Professional and Compassionate Guidance In your Time of Sorrow

Bishop Willie C. Sanders, Sr.

Passed 02/04/2025


Obituary For Bishop Willie C. Sanders, Sr.

Age 89, of B'ham passed away Tuesday, February 4th. Funeral service Saturday, February 15th at 11:00 AM from Cathedral of the Cross A.O.H Church of God, 1482 - Centerpoint Pkwy. B'ham , 35215. Burial in Elmwood Cemetery. Public viewing Friday 1 - 5:30 PM. Face Mask and Social Distancing required. Arrington Funeral Home Directing.

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  • 02/16/2025

    A true warrior for the Lord. He was our Overseer of District 5. Always so pleasant and a joy to see when he came every 3 months for quarterly meetings. Rest in Jesus. Pam Pippen Greater Whatley AOH Church of God

  • 02/13/2025

    Sending my condolences and prayer to the family and friends of this great man of God. It gives me great honors to have known you and sit under your leadership for many years. I appreciate you being a spiritual father to my sibling and I. Bishop Sanders take your rest and continue to watch over us. Deborah, Willie, Romona, and Terrance thank you for sharing you parents with us for 50+ years.

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