Professional and Compassionate Guidance In your Time of Sorrow

Ronald Ray

Passed 3/5/2025


Obituary For Ronald Ray

Age 68, of B'ham passed away Wednesday, March 5th. Funeral service Saturday, March 15th at 12:00 Noon from Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Ensley, 1329 - Ave. G, B'ham, 35218. Burial in Zion Memorial Gardens. Public viewing Friday 1 - 5:30 PM. Face Mask and Social Distancing required. Arrington Funeral Home Directing.

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  • 03/18/2025

    POPS!! I didn't think it'll hurt this bad. While I know you're in a better place, I know you wouldn't want to come back here for nothing. You left us so suddenly and so unexpectedly. We thought we had time! True meaning of our thoughts are not Gods thoughts and our ways aren't Gods ways. You were the closest replica of a father that I had. You loved us all and we loved you back Pops. TY for loving mommy the right way. That's all I ever wanted her to have a chance to experience. We will never let your memories fade away. Rest On. I know that I will see you again one day in Heaven. Love your daughter, Chudney.

  • 03/13/2025

    We grew up in Smithfield. His dad used to cut my twin brother, Ronald and I, Donald hair when we was small. We was known as Bickerstaff. May he rest in peace. Donald Richardson

  • 03/12/2025

    💕💕 Rest on in Gods loving arms . May the precious memories prayers and support of friends be a source of comfort. 🙏 Keeping every one in my thoughts and prayers 🙏 Demita "Jojo" Ray

  • 03/11/2025

    We will certainly miss this sweet and gentle spirited man. Missed, but not forgotten. We love you Ron. The Roys.

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